Better yet, he'll be earning over $100,000 per inning!!!!! And that doesn't even have to be a good inning!!! It can be a leadoff walk followed by a double, a single, a homer, a triple, a sac-fly, a single, a fielder's choice, a homer and a pop-out!!! Yes!!! With one out CC will earn the annual salary of thousands of teachers, plumbers, nurses, etc. And with one mediocre inning he can earn a 100K salary! He could buy the Illinois junior senator seat with less than a "quality start"!!! Wow!!!
Yes, I know, I know-- a player (or anyone) is worth as much as someone is willing to pay him. I've made the argument often. But I'm still blown away by the math here.
Enjoy it CC. The world is your ball-pit and you're the giant that pitches in it. I hope you really did want to play in New York. They won't forget the price tag.
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