This raises two simple questions moving forward:
(1) How does this affect the bankruptcy case?
(2) How will this affect the Coyotes on the ice?
The most important consequence of Judge Baum's recent decision is that the auction will be open to ALL bidders - that is, bidders who plan to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix (Jerry Reinsdorf and others) and those who wish to relocate the franchise (Jim Balsillie). This is exactly what the NHL has sought to avoid. The NHL, and specifically the league's owners, is no fan of Jim Balsillie, and Judge Baum's decision to open the auction to all bidders is a blow to the NHL. Moreover, the NHL's contends that its overwhelming rejection of Jim Balsillie as an owner should operate to prevent him from taking control of the franchise even if he wins the auction. However, this ignores the fact that Judge Baum has stated that the NHL can’t keep Balsillie from taking ownership of the Coyotes unless it can prove there has been a “material change” in his qualifications since 2006, when Balsillie was previously approved as an owner in a failed attempt to buy the Pittsburgh Penguins. The NHL has even filed a motion to throw out Balsillie's bid based on this rejection on which Judge Baum may rule on Tuesday, no doubt arguing that there has been such a "material change" in circumstances.
This all means that Balsillie still has a legitimate shot at beating out the known competing bids for the Coyotes: a $148 million bid by Jerry Reinsdorf and a $150 million bid by Ice Edge Holdings LLC, a group of Canadian and American businessmen. Balsillie still has several hurdles to overcome, including previously discussed antitrust issues, the aformentioned motion, and the current lease with the city of Glendale to play at Jobing.com Arena. Of the three bids, Balsillie's still appears to be the one that makes most financial sense, as the all-cash bid exceeds the others by more than $62 million. Conversely, Reinsdorf's bid, while favored by the NHL, does not include cash and is focused on reorganizing the franchise's debt. If (and this is a BIG if) Balsillie can overcome these three hurdles, which should be resolved before the September 10 auction, expect his bid to win due to its economic superiority.

Stay tuned to the SportsJudge Blog for more on this case as it continues to unfold. It's sure to take a few more unexpected turns before all is said and done.
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