In the case Commissioner Gary B. v. 2 Legit 2 Quit & IT Byrnes (Index No. 1586-T), the Court of Fantasy Baseball upheld the trade of Corey Hart (OF, Brewers) and J.J. Hardy (SS, Cubs) for B.J. Upton (2B/OF Rays). In doing so, the court applied its default rule that a trade must "adequately benefit both teams." The court noted that "given the wide disparity in expert opinions regarding Hardy," there should be allowed "broad latitude for owners to reach their own conclusions."
In the case Commissioner Edward F. v. Scissor Hands (Index No. 1587-T), the Court of Fantasy Baseball upheld the trade of Fernando Martinez (NY Mets Minor League OF) for Jay Bruce (Cincinnati Reds Minor League OF), noting that "even though Bruce is closer to big-league ready than Martinez, in leagues that allow minor league carryover from one year to the next, some deference must be played to individual owner's long-term scouting projections."
In the case Michael F. v. Office Pool Manager (Index No. 1588), the Court of Fantasy Basketball held that an NCAA office pool manager may disqualify an owner for submitting his entry without predicting a final score as a tie breaker for each round; however, if an entrant is disqualified on these grounds, the entrant's funds should be returned.
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