A far cry from Shea Stadium, the typical cookie-cutter stadium, Citi Field has a traditional but modern style. There are old baseball pictures around the concourse, a kids zone in centerfield behind the scoreboard complete with a full food court. The seats are comfortable with a decent amount of legroom and close to the field. Citi Field is the classy sister to Shea Stadium and an impressive building.
My one big criticism of Citi Field is that it barely touches Mets history. The Stadium is supposed to evoke memories of Ebbets Field, which it does, but it evokes more memories of Dodger tradition than Met tradition. The Jackie Robinson Rotunda is fine way to enter any stadium and the classic pictures are great, but those are part of Brooklyn Dodgers history, not New York Met history. Across town, the Yankees have a museum and monument park, but there's really no fitting tribute to Met history at Citi Field.
The concourses could be a bit wider, as concession lines block concourse traffic, and the outfield is littered with billboards and advertisements, but Citi Field is a huge upgrade for fans over Shea Stadium.
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