In July, we took a look at how the sports world and social networking have mingled over the past few months, with Twitter taking the lead and potentially revolutionizing sports coverage.
As the fantasy football season gets under way, we are pleased to announce a one-week special promotion is now in effect for all SportsJudge twitter followers through next Thursday, September 17. If you are a follower of us on Twitter, you are eligible to purchase our dispute resolution season package for a special low rate of $89. The season package entitles you to up to ten SportsJudge rulings in any given season (a $150 value).
To purchase at the discounted rate, email us at info@sportsjudge.com and provide your Twitter name or simply Direct Message us @SportsJudge. Once we can confirm you are in fact a follower, we'll get you all set for the upcoming football season.
If you aren't a follower, it's not too late to sign up. Simply click the Twitter logo above to visit our page where you can stay up-to-date on articles, news, and special promotions such as this one, available only to our followers.
wish I knew what twitter was lol
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